With the cost of energy always on the increase, many homeowners are finding that switching to fluorescent lighting is a great home improvement project. Fluorescent lighting has its pros and cons, but when it comes down to it, fluorescent lighting is more efficient than incandescent lighting. Converting your home to all fluorescent lighting requires some knowledge about electricity and you may have to hire a professional to assist you.
The majority of homes use incandescent lighting. Many businesses and other public buildings use fluorescent lighting. Part of the reason is that these larger buildings have realized the great savings of using florescent lighting verses incandescent.
There are other reasons, though. Fluorescent bulbs contain mercury and have to be disposed of properly. Most regular trash collection services will not take them. They are also more expensive than incandescent bulbs. These factors, though, are easily outweighed by the good factors about this type of bulb.
Florescent light bulbs burn cooler and more efficiently than incandescent bulbs. They produce more light while using less energy because they convert more energy to light and less to heat than an incandescent bulb. They also last much longer than incandescent bulbs, so this can easily make up for the difference in cost between the two and paired with the fact they use less energy, it just makes sense to use fluorescent over incandescent.
If wanting to change your home lighting from incandescent to florescent then you may have to change some fixtures. Usually kitchens are already fitted for florescent lighting, but other rooms are not. There are some florescent bulbs on the market that are made to be used in a regular light fixture. You may need to shop around to find them or you can simply replace your existing fixtures with florescent fixtures.
Changing from incandescent lighting to florescent lighting may not be something for everyone. Some people may not like the harsh lighting of florescent and prefer the softer lighting of incandescent. Others may not be able to budget the high upfront costs. However, if you do choose to undergo this home improvement project you are sure to find the energy savings make it well worth it.